Welcome to the Rezi API Docs
Thank you for your interest in the Rezi API! It's pretty simple so it won't take long to get through. You most likely found this page from the site, Rezi.one. For those who don't know, Rezi is a pirated game search engine that is extremely popular online for pirates. It is found in many megathreads such as the r/Piracy megathread, the r/PiratedGames megathread, and the r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH megathread, as well as mentioned numerous other places throughout the internet.
The Rezi API is here for everyone, to integrate into websites and applications for completely free. A lot of work went into the process of gathering all of these games and putting them all in one spot, so please feel free to use it. To get started go to the bottom of this page and move to the next page.